March 22, 2012

Meal Site Peeves

The one thing that bugged me a lot when I  was homeless, is when I would go to a homeless feed site and some asshole would stand there the whole time and complain.

It bugged the shit outta me that a person could bitch about the taste of food when it was free to him/her. You can't expect gourmet food in the soupline asshole!

Another thing I heard alot, was people complaining that they had to wait in line too long. Again its free an not fine dining, learn to be patient.

And I really hated seeing people go through get a plate of food not even take a bite and throw it in the trash or on the ground. Hey asshole next time don't take the food and let someone else get it that will eat it.

1 comment:

  1. I see you are still telling bullshit storties, loser.
